Let's start with the WEEKLY DEALS in my e-outlet. These are 10-12 products, both current and discontinued, that are featured at rock bottom prices for one week only. The prices are good from Monday-Sunday each week! Here's how you find them: head to my website and click on "SHOP ONLINE" in the right hand bar. This takes you into my e-store. The green bar across the top lists the different categories of products. Click on "Outlet' on the far right, and then "Weekly Deals" to access the latest steals. Here are a few goodies on sale this week:

Astoria Creamer only $7.96.

Petite Bud Vases, set of 3 for only $9.96.

Abington Rattan Caddy only $15.96!
This is only a few of what I'm featuring this week... remember the prices are good until Sunday night. Orders from my e-store are shipped directly to you.
And how about a $49 business opportunity? With summer months upon us, there is no better time to consider a new venture. I love my business, my customers, and hostesses, and am impressed with the cutting edge thinking that is going on at Willow House. This year we'll also be adding a jewelry line, in addition to even MORE online business options! This is the lowest price I have ever seen for a Willow House start-up kit. Here's a peek at what's included in the kit.
Great sampling of products for the money!! Click HERE for more opportunity information on my website or email me directly at heidimilton@comcast.net and I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Are you still with me? Because I also have an incredible MAY SALE going on right now! Click HERE to access the complete sale flier, but here's your peek:

You can place your order directly on my website (Click HERE) and have it shipped straight to you. The May Sale runs through May 31, 2011.
Whew! You're all caught up now... thanks for looking!
Happy Decorating and Happy Shopping!

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